Friday, June 5, 2009

New Business, Divino, Says American Dream Still Exists

PRLog (Press Release) – Jun 05, 2009 – Clearwater, FL -- Restaurant Reality TV was recently born in Clearwater, Florida by a pair of veteran enterprisers, Piero Caramella and Dmitry Lisovitskiy - two foreigners who came to America in the pursuit of the American dream.  The duo is opening a fine-dining Italian restaurant in Downtown Clearwater to bring to the people of Tampa Bay their vision on freedom, happiness and good food.  They are filming the process from start to finish of what it really takes to open a restaurant in today’s economy - and in the process hope to express their admiration for the American people’s die-hard determination to succeed despite the odds.  With 1.8 million immigrants settling in the United States each year, it is obvious that the rest of the world believes that the American Dream still exists.

“Sometimes you need an outsider to come in and give you a different perspective on what freedoms we really have as a free people,” said Corporate Technology Strategist, Tony Ciotti of MGI Solutions.  “My heritage is Italian and [Piero and Dmitry] have made me realize that our country was founded on the hopes and dreams of immigrants arriving at Ellis Island, with everything they owned on their backs.”

While Piero and Dmitry are far from the immigrants that migrated to America just 200 years ago, they invoke the spirit of those same pioneers who built the land of the free and the home of the brave.

“America has been built on the backs of workers,” said Bud Elias, Founder and President of Advantage Group.  “More power to the businesses that are opening up in Downtown Clearwater…as well as the rest of the country.”  Elias also serves on the Board of Directors for Clearwater’s Downtown Partnership.  

To see Piero and Dmitry’s passion and tribute to the American dream, visit  They invite people that believe the American Dream is still alive to support their restaurant.

About Divino Piazza: Divino, an authentic Italian fine dining experience in historic downtown Clearwater, Florida is modeled after an Italian Piazza and offers a unique dining experience that cannot be found anywhere else in the Tampa Bay area.  From the cafe-style style dining around the fountain to the fine dining balconies overlooking the restaurant, Divino transports the diner to Italy where you can enjoy fine dining, coffee with friends, pizza, Panini or salad before indulging in homemade pastries.  Visit the website to see the ongoing construction and creation up to the time of the grand opening at

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